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Marriage Accountability

How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

by Ali Royann

Dear Ali,
My husband is away on business trips a couple of times a month. We trust each other but I wonder if there is a way to affair-proof our marriage. Do you have any suggestions?

Attentive Wife

Dear Attentive,

I’m glad to hear that you want to do your best to keep your marriage covenant free from any vulnerabilities. Being intentional to maintain an honest, trusting relationship with your husband should certainly be a priority. Accountability is an important tool to have in place to ensure that transparency and integrity are desired by you both.

While your husband is home, be sure to invest in your relationship!

While your husband is home, be sure to invest in your relationship! Marriage is directly related to your friendship with one another. A deep, emotionally connected relationship fosters a culture of trust, respect, and companionship. Be sure there are no conflicts left unresolved that could allow resentment and bitterness to grow while you are apart.

I encourage you to discuss events and decisions that will take place while he is gone, so you are both in agreement about things. Also, have boundaries in place when it comes to spending time alone with the opposite gender. Do not allow any temptation to have an opportunity to grow.

Spend quality time together, and be sure you both have your intimate needs met. A relationship that is left with vulnerable areas may cause either of you to feel insecure, lonely, abandoned, or fearful. Before he goes on his trip, leave him with a kiss you’ll both remember for days!

Plan for his return with something exciting to look forward to.

While he is away, try to connect with each other each day either through phone, text, or video. Keep each other up to date with your activities. If your husband is on a trip with another female, it is wise for him to have a third coworker or chaperone come along. Plan for his return with something exciting to look forward to. Be creative!

Accountable2You is a helpful tool for staying accountable to your spouse through detailed reporting of internet and device activity, app usage, and screen time. Your marriage is worth the effort and investment!

Yours in accountability,

“Ask Ali” is an op-ed column answering common questions about accountability and related topics.

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