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What Is Purity and Why Is It Important?

by Scot Chadwick

Purity is not popular. Think about it: when did you last hear that word used in a sentence? Unless you work as a jeweler, it probably has been quite a while. And when we do talk about purity, most people only think it pertains to sexuality. A closer look reveals that purity’s power affects every part of your life—and the lives of others—both now and in eternity.

What Is Purity?

Just as clean essentially means “not dirty,” you could define purity as “freedom from contamination.” But this description is not very helpful for picturing what a pure life looks like. Instead, look at it this way: Purity describes who you are and what you do. It applies both to your character and to your conduct, especially when you are alone.

So what should be true of you as you pursue purity?

1. You Want to Please God

You desire to please God in your life by fearing Him, worshiping Him, obeying Him, cherishing Him, and loving Him. Real purity comes as a result of believing that the Lord Jesus died in your place to ransom you from impurity. Pure living increases as you work together with the Holy Spirit to live as a redeemed child of God.

Purity describes who you are and what you do.

2. You Choose to Live Transparently

Your concern for the truth leads you to demonstrate your integrity with honesty and transparency. As a pure person, you desire a clean and whole life free from corruption and compromise. Your desire for purity leads you to avoid and resist temptations that would pollute or weaken your character.

3. Your Actions Affirm What Is Good

Your decisions agree with what you know is appropriate and excellent. You value beauty and modesty in style and appearance. You honor your body and the Lord who redeemed it, demonstrating uprightness and self-control in your conduct.

Fighting for purity helps you strive for a blameless reputation before God and others, as displayed in your words and actions. You have a sincere singleness of mind as you honor what is sacred to God and decent in the sight of others.

4. You Love Others and Stay Humble

You value peace with others, serving them selflessly and sacrificially in love, and respecting them as individuals made in God’s image—not as objects to be used for your pleasure. Your purity should not make you proud or lead you to look down on others who have made different choices.

Your purity should not make you proud or lead you to look down on others.

Trials have refined and tested your purity, and you grow to be more like the Lord Jesus each day. You understand that pure living is a constant lifelong pursuit and that you will not attain perfection in this life. Your resolve for purity keeps you humble and dependent upon God’s power to sanctify you.

Too Good to Be True?

Does this vision of purity seem unrealistic or unattainable? While none of us will ever reach perfection in this life, we should still strive toward this high standard. Remember, pure living is a lifelong marathon, not an all-or-nothing sprint.

Why Is Purity Important?

Purity benefits you in several important ways. Do not underestimate its value in your life or the negative consequences of impurity.

Pure living benefits not only you but also those who are close to you.

The most significant benefit of purity is that it allows you entrance into God’s holy presence. The Bible says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). This eternal life is only possible by receiving forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ.

What else does purity do in your life?

  • Promotes caution, discernment, and good choices while preventing corruption in thought, word, and deed.
  • Supports good health and a long life and leads to satisfaction and peace.
  • Highlights faults in your life and spurs you toward godliness, honoring the conscience God gave you.
  • Inspires you to avoid stumbling blocks and helps you live free of guilt and regret.
  • Cultivates a community of loving individuals with honor and affection.
  • Governs your relationships with others—especially with the complementary gender—and enables you to provide an example for them to follow.

Striving for and maintaining purity affects all aspects of your life. A pure heart will show in your thoughts, words, choices, attitudes, relationships, and more. Remember that your pure living benefits not only you but also those who are close to you.

Be sure to honor the Lord Jesus Christ “who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds” (Titus 2:14)

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