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Note from the CEO and Cofounder

Founders of Accountable2You


First and most importantly, I’m a believer in Jesus the Christ as God, the Son. I’m saved from the fierce anger of God through the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary’s cross for my sin and rebellion. I’m a Christian by the grace and mercy of God alone. I want God to get all the glory in my life (1 Thessalonians 4:11). God has made me what I am today in spite of myself. My heart's desire is that all who use Accountable2You will become a Christian. True salvation cannot come from man. It is a supernatural act of God.

I challenge you to go to the following links and see what the Bible says about being saved from the fierce anger of God. The Bible says all will face His anger unless they accept His substitute, Jesus the Christ.


I was born and raised in Greenville, SC, and attended Bob Jones University, where I earned a degree in Business Administration with a Computer Programming background. My wife Alissa, Canadian born and raised, attended the University of Western Ontario and earned her degree in Economics with a Business and Computer Programming background.

We married in 1998 and are blessed to homeschool our 7 children on our small farm in Northern Kentucky. We are actively involved in our church and enjoy activities ranging from music to martial arts!


My desire for accountability began in 2006 after experiencing firsthand the dangers of being alone on a device. A desire to be transparent with all my device activity led me to develop a monitoring and reporting system to keep me accountable to my wife. Since then, Alissa and I have worked together to create a vision of what we believe true biblical accountability should look like.

Galatians 6:1 commands us to “keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” Our desire is to change the way people view accountability. Too often it is used only as a means of overcoming the desire for objectionable content online. While accountability can certainly be a useful tool to assist those struggling with viewing pornography, accountability should be sought after by all who want to keep themself from being tempted in the first place.

Today, through God’s help, Accountable2You continues to grow and help people all over the world.

Soli Deo gloria,
Ben Lawrence
CEO and cofounder

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