Our story
We created Accountable2You for people like us: people who share in our pursuit of honest, transparent, and meaningful lives. For many of us, accountability isn’t only about pornography. It’s never less than that, yet we agree that holistic accountability is about so much more.
Back in 2006, living a transparent lifestyle proved challenging. Digital devices allowed poor choices and personal struggles to thrive in secrecy. Several “quit porn” apps existed, but they slowed devices to a crawl, focused exclusively on adult content, frequently included hyperlinks to pornography in the reports, and carried a peace-robbing stigma of punishment and shame. That’s not accountability.
For many of us, accountability isn’t only about pornography.
We felt a strong desire to build something different, something better. So we did. We built a responsive, customizable accountability platform—one that never compromises the accountability partner’s integrity by exposing them to second-hand pornography. Further, we crafted a solution that not only serves the person in bondage to pornography but also everyone else pursuing a lifestyle of transparency and accountability.

Today Accountable2You is enjoyed the world-over by real people experiencing peace and freedom. While many of our customers use Accountable2You to keep watch on themselves and maintain integrity, others use our software to escape dark patterns of pornography, excessive social media, gambling, or other harmful behaviors.
We believe that life change is a matter of the heart, yet we’re overwhelmingly humbled to see Accountable2You play a role, and we’re thrilled to continue this journey into the many years to come.
Read this note from our CEO and cofounder to learn more about the heart behind Accountable2You.