Our mission is to equip people for better choices through a lifestyle of transparency.

Our story

We created Accountable2You for people like us: people who share in our pursuit of honest, transparent, and meaningful lives. For many of us, accountability isn’t only about pornography. It’s never less than that, yet we agree that holistic accountability is about so much more.

Back in 2006, living a transparent lifestyle proved challenging. Digital devices allowed poor choices and personal struggles to thrive in secrecy. Several “quit porn” apps existed, but they slowed devices to a crawl, focused exclusively on adult content, frequently included hyperlinks to pornography in the reports, and carried a peace-robbing stigma of punishment and shame. That’s not accountability.

For many of us, accountability isn’t only about pornography.

We felt a strong desire to build something different, something better. So we did. We built a responsive, customizable accountability platform—one that never compromises the accountability partner’s integrity by exposing them to second-hand pornography. Further, we crafted a solution that not only serves the person in bondage to pornography but also everyone else pursuing a lifestyle of transparency and accountability.

Today Accountable2You is enjoyed the world-over by real people experiencing peace and freedom. While many of our customers use Accountable2You to keep watch on themselves and maintain integrity, others use our software to escape dark patterns of pornography, excessive social media, gambling, or other harmful behaviors.

We believe that life change is a matter of the heart, yet we’re overwhelmingly humbled to see Accountable2You play a role, and we’re thrilled to continue this journey into the many years to come.

Read this note from our CEO and cofounder to learn more about the heart behind Accountable2You.

Our values

We love the rewarding lifestyle that accountability provides, so from the start, we knew we were building a different type of company.

Our core values drive everything we do here at Accountable2You.

No, that’s not corporate speak or a motivational poster. Core values govern how we hire, how we improve, and how we seek to serve our customers. Our shared values motivate us and push us forward.

Higher calling

Our team members view their work as a higher calling; our aim isn’t personal praise. We want our labor to make a difference in the people we encounter every day.

Servant’s heart

We approach all that we do with humility, genuinely interested in helping others. Our desire is to serve each other. We've agreed to hold each other accountable to improve and do better every day.

Eager perseverance

We eagerly pursue success with the task at hand. We want to meet the needs of our customers, so we pursue solutions that are difficult and persevere until we reach our goal.

Our team

We’re proud to employ people from unique backgrounds, with varying personalities, broad career paths, diverse personal histories, and differing skill sets. While our differences make us unique and powerful, it is the core values we share that bring cohesion and effectiveness.

We’re a lot like a family; we’re full of ornery jokesters, strategic planners, (occasionally) witty pun-crafters, high-achievers, steady-eddies, and careful communicators.

We all legitimately enjoy working together, so you’ll notice a lot of laughter around the office as we work, brainstorm, and problem-solve together. We believe team culture is a reflection of the whole organization, not a specific type of person or personality.

Inside our office, you’ll notice that while we all have varying responsibilities and expertise, there’s an overarching willingness to share work, knowledge, and responsibilities. More so, there is a continual commitment to shared success as a team.

Learn more

Want to enjoy the benefits of accountability in your personal life, family, marriage, and friendships? Stop by our blog to browse a wealth of free ideas, tips, and resources to help you live transparently and make better choices!

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